

by - August 08, 2018

Blogging and Beauty on a Budget.


So as some of you may have seen I attended a wedding of one of my very close friends just at the beginning of May the beginning of the cold season and the first thing I thought was OH SHOOT I have to dress warm. And I need to be stylish, and I need to dress my new body AND AND AND!!!!

But before you do anything, This is step number one.

The worst thing is knowing exactly what you want to look like or want to wear and when you get to the store or get your package and it looks hideous on you (in my opinion). It really makes me not want ti dress up because then I might as well keep to my sneaker and jeans tradition and not break away from it cause there I feel most comfortable. 

But this step helped me understand my body so much more, and there for how much better I can dress my body shape up. 
So I am short, with broad shoulders and a bit of a tummy and yes cause of all my chocolates a double chin and big cheeks, not to forget my thicker thighs and long arms. 

Number 1
Dressing short legs always go with a pants or skirt that will elongate your legs, something high waisted and if you find one with a pattern even better. They add length and there for your formal or semi formal outfit will be a hit and you will look taller. 
Number 2
For broad shoulders I decided a polo-neck will work best, it will make our face look smaller, bring your shoulders together and therefore not make them look so broad and bam! You SLAY. For a few other options try getting halter tops, tips with thin straps and form fitting. Slouchy tops can make your shoulders wider. 
Number 3
For your tummy, guys i really do love shaper underwear but wow I also love to breathe hey, and this was just messing my life up haha, so I thought wait BODY SUITS do all the things, they really make pull your outfit together literally, it makes your tummy look flat and it helps hide away any back rolls while making you look slim and its 10x more comfy than these shaper shorts. 
Try also wearing tops that elongate your neck and BIG POINT, make sure you dont slouch. because when you do your whole body pushes forward and your tummy looks bigger. 

My outfit of choice for the wedding was 

THIS!!!! I looked every where and I could not find anything that now fit my needs for my body type, So when all else failed I went to the Chinese mall!! 
This place has bargains for days, and the most beautiful Styles you don't always find in the store. 

I found these high waisted pants with the most amazing pattern, it was light in texture, smooth and it was only R120.00

I also found this Velvet Ribbed Polo-neck Body suit that really brought this pants to life, I was scared the pattern would throw the outfit off but it Did not. It looked stunning and it was R100.00

I paired it with my pointed block heels i got from Ackermans, and can you believe it was the most expensive piece of my outfit it was R170.00 the point really made the flared pants look so different and made my legs look longer. 

And this guys is what it looked like 

My makeup of choice was Rose Gold because I had on these gold burgundy earrings I thought I would keep my face simple, elegant and with a pop of shimmer. 

It really gave me so much confidence the moment I felt good about my body, I was dressing wrong because In my head I didn't like the way I looked but I didn't realise I just Needed to find my body type and make it work for me. And in tune make my outfit work for me, there's so many other ways to wear these pieces separately with different combinations. 

I have worn this body suit with a high waisted light stain denim jeans. With my floral black boots i bought at Mr Price for R299.00 and a black belt with a gold buckle I got at Mr Price as well for R60.00.

I too wore it with a floral skirt I got At Mr price for R 100.00 and the pointed block heel from Ackermans with black stockings. 

What I learned in this process is, be true to yourself, be confident and always make sure you are comfortable. Do not dress to fit any one else's opinion of you. You can make it work if you really try. 

SO find your body type, find clothes that accentuate the parts of your body you might not like, because you make the outfit the outfit doesn't make you. 

To see more pictures from the wedding please do log onto my social media and let me know did I make it work for me? Cause I slayed!!!! 

All my Love 
Keesha Mcpherson 

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