

by - August 07, 2018

Blogging and Beauty on a Budget.

Good day my Tulip Readers

HAHA did you’ll see I am trying this new thing of “Tulip Readers” let me know if it fits or if you have a suggestion Please do comment down below.

And we will do a poll for the favourite.

So, as you all know my weekends are ragers HAHA wow my jokes suck, anyway. I am not someone who parties very often, I love to go out and do something different, like movies, lunches, adventure outings like Theme parks, go carting, going to the GAMES section of the casinos and be like a kid in a candy store, nothing beats putting that coin in and beating your opponent or even just teasing them a little. Yes, Your girl is very competitive.

But when I just want a day where I’m laying in my sweats and watching some good SERIES, with some salt and vinegar potato chips, chocolate or sour worms and some coldrink.
I am going to list a few of my favourite movies and why, and I will list when is the best time to watch them. LETS GO!

A SERIES I can watch over and over and over again is which means it Numero Uno

1-One Tree Hill
I can’t even tell you the love I have for this series, I feel like I grew with it and it grew with me. But also, now I have grown with the actual actors who’s work I now still enjoy. Let me tell you about my favourite series, this was an emotional roller coaster for me, in the first season I loved, loved Haley James then I moved to love many of the other characters. I feel like Haley was the most relatable to me, she was someone who loved books and music but didn’t make a fuss about being popular she always stayed true to herself, Lucas I feel like there was too much hype around him, NATHAN!!!!! Yes, him I will have any day, he started off as a bad boy but turned out to be such an honest, kind and hardworking character, he made his life and his love worth it because he worked for it. Brooke and Peyton HAHA those two were always thick as thieves but had so many things they went through together and apart. They were indestructible even when they fight they find their way back to one another and they always stand together they really embody a great friendship.

I was sad when characters left and other new story lines and characters filled up the cast, but over the years as it grew, it always grew with its fans, it made us seem like we were a big part of the show. That’s why till now from any 1 of the 9 seasons can pop up and I will watch it full without fail.
I loved how this show embraced the culture and honesty of its time, how it made us see a lot of social issues differently, like young “love”, bullying, school, being a teenager and getting to know yourself. It really was an eyeopener to treat people with so much more kindness, to do everything to the best of your ability, to work hard for your future to have ambition and to grow yourself first before you just follow suit the way everyone else was.

This show is a drama, but it’s got amazing funny moments, a lot of life lessons and it really encouraged my writing dream. #OTHFOREVER

2-CSI- New York, LAS Vegas and Miami
CSI Las Vegas was the first series of CSI I had ever watched. You know that feeling when you watch something and you all of a sudden want to do it as a career that’s how impressed I was, it was one of the most intriguing series to watch, how their team of scientists caught out criminals. Then I started to watch CSI New York ad I fell in love with the accents, the different style they had and the atmosphere of the whole show. It was city life. CSI Miami is just iconic. No one can tilt their glasses like Horacio

3-8 Simple rules
WOW! If you ever want to laugh until your tummy hurts watch this, I loved how this dad loved his daughters and the humour they put into their relationships and lives. Their dad and Main character does pass away in the beginning of season two OH how I cried, it was so sad cause the cast final goodbyes to him was so beautiful. The family do get back to their happy place and his daughters make is so hilarious, Bridget is the blonde that likes boys and anything sparkly and Carey is the know it all. Rory their brother is the tattle tale PLEASE I beg, just watch it!!!

4-The George Lopez Show
If ever you need a fix, here you go, this family friendly comedy series is based on a Mexican family in the burbs, but wow. Its unbelievably funny and their sayings wow, I use them in my own life sometimes, I think this is one of the reasons I Love the Spanish language. All around you will laugh till you are rolling on the floor its so relatable and fun for the whole family. It’s also so effortless it’s like they genuinely enjoyed set life because they made it sooo close to what a real family is. TA LOCA

5-Criminal Minds & Criminal Minds Beyond Boarders
Criminal Minds, I feel like I can watch this series from start to finish, with all the cringing that comes with it. Its so intriguing. It teaches you why criminals do what they do, how they act, how to interpret their behaviour.  It makes you so much more self-aware as well to always pay attention to people and what they might be going through and also how they act. To make sure you can protect yourself. Its one of my favourites because you learn a lot about life people and how to treat others and how to help them. They also made two seasons of Criminal Minds beyond boarders, I loved every minute of it. So, upset they cancelled after two seasons.

6-Gossip Girl
If you haven’t watched it yet, are you living under a rock??? Or maybe just not anywhere near the upper east side. HAHA This show is all about the Rich Kids of Manhattan living La vida Loca, until they get pulled into a shift of actually having new people who have less enter and impact their lives. It also gives you a close up of their lives and how they navigate high school, college and eventually their own Successes and money. Its thrilling, makes you feel all boujie like you got to drink champagne when you watch it. I’m telling you if you not about this life, you better get on it. XOXO Gossip Girl

7-The Bold Type
This series is right up my alley, about 3 girls who work for Scarlet Magazine and show how their lives and jobs intertwine and how they make a living. Its amazing what you learn about real life in these series, it made me love publishing magazines, companies that too embrace their online presence and the fashion world. But once a month print an issue where you can smell the talent leap off the pages. Literally my dream JOB! I can’t even put into words what this series has done for me. It really is a great confidence booster for woman.

So, if you like creepy, sci fi, special effects vibes? This is the series for you. Its about good and evil but its displayed in a physical form, it’s got so much different kinds of characters and ideas roped into one series but it works so well, yes its very creepy at first, but you get used to it and you learn. Its almost a play on human life, how different we all are and why, its just in this series they are separated by this, by how their communities are so far apart and its takes them working together to save the world. Its LITERALLY A CINEMATIC roller coaster and I would do it all again.

9-Chicago PD, FIRE & MED

This is one of my favourite series, they are so so so so connected. Literally episodes collide with one another. Its a firefighter series, which then turned into a crime drama and then a medical drama and all the versions are connected. They all work together to save lives and people. Its so brilliant please do yourself a favour and watch it.

10-Greys Anatomy 

This medical series is the longest running season I have ever watched, its been such an emotional ride, its such an in depth look at the lives of medical staff from the ground up. I cant even tell you how all these changes caused a lot of tears and smiles. I'm all for this life hey, GREY SLOAN MEMORIAL FOREVER.

I usually watch something according to my mood, and these cover every mood I can possibly be in.
Here is just a look at what I like to watch and why.

Please do share some of your  favourites with me.


Keesha Mcpherson of Takkies&Tulips 

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