
Face Week with Takkies&Tulips : Face Masks & Scrubs

by - January 07, 2019

Good Day Tulips Readers. ☺️

On behalf of Takkiesandtulips I want to wish all my headers a phenomenal New Year.
I pray that every single desire of your heart is met.

I took a step back a while ago and I wanted to make my blog exist in series. I know it's very time consuming and takes a lot of planning but ever since I did my 5 days or 5 posts I felt like I reached the audience I had been looking for and I didn't want to disappoint anyone let alone myself.
I will either be displaying each Series within a week or a month depending on the topic so please let me know how this new idea is working after our first try.

I've named my first Series FACE WEEK.
The reason I did was because we've either all come back from vacation or holidays of some kind or even just a few days of fun in the sun or out with our family and friends. Eaten yummy foods and exotic sweets and just thrown all the rules out the window but our skin does reflect what's happening both on the inside and the outside of our bodies. I wanted this series to be one that can rejuvenate our skin and get us glowing into 2019.
First topic I am going to touch on is 


I actually posted on my Instagram story on the 5 of January and I got a few ladies asking me to hand them out some fask mask recommendations and tips.
Guuurrrlllss I got you'll. ✌️
First of all before you buy a mask you have to establish your skin condition.
For example I have combination skin where I discolour easy, break out easy and have oily skin without even applying products but the catch is it depends on the season cause in wintery skin is the opposite and I have to give it a bit more Vitamin E than usual to get us looking fresh and awake.
After you've determined your skin needs then you can start with 'branding'. In all honesty the first skin Mask brand I used was @freemanbeauty its a phenomenal brand with such a wide selection and they are not stingy with product.

The freeman range are ones you need to apply either with a brush or applicator of your choice like a spatula of some sort. It range from clay to pull off masks and even masks that contain a scrub content in order to kill two birds with one stone and if I'm honest it's their best work thus far.
There is a few other brands I have tried in between such as Beauty Treats and Skin Republic.
I've used a Blueberryask from Beauty Treats and a a hydrating mask from Skin republic they both retail for R39.50 at Dischem Pharmacy.
I liked them both but I feel like my skin needs were not entirely met as apposed to the Freeman Brand. They Retail from R28.00 to R100. 00 at Dischem and that is for the 175ml bottles and not the sachets that I've tried out first to see if the product works for my skin first. It's a great money saver if it doesn't.

Okay now to get into the good stuff the reasons to use a Face Mask and the benefits.

Let's start with the reasons first 
- To penetrate deep into the skin without harsh damage
- To help with completion, texture, skin conditions and any minor or major skin problems we may be experiencing
- Results are immediate and even work still over a period of time
- It's affordable as well as a great gift for anyone who loves skincare.

- Refines skin pores
- Hydrates your skin
- Can help with fine lines
- Creates a layer of new skin to come through and therefore keeps skin healthier for longer
- Helps with texture and complexion. Also it can make your skin look more awake than dull
- Also you save on spa treatments 


We all know that the reason to use a scrub is to remove dead layers of skin and promotes better new skin growth
Now. Please. Ladies. If you have sensitive skin do not, I repeat do not use a scrub without testing it on the outer rim of your face first.
Face Scrubs can also be tricky do not try and use a scrub with a tool your first time around I suggest you use a scrub with your two fingers first and scrub from the inside of your face to the outside in small circles and then rising it off with Luke warm water.

PSA- Please do not use a scrub if you've got skin with small pores or no pores if you're blessed. And if you have got severe skin conditions like Acne, Eczema or Rosacia please contact a doctor or Dermatologist first.

Good Scrubs I have found are definitely Isabella Garcias Apricot scrub which retails for R120. 00 my friend Charndre has been using the range as well and she has got sensitive skin and so if any of the ladies need a second opinion head to her page I will link it on all my current social media 

Other great brands are
- Dischem Tea Tree scrub R50. 00
- WOOLWORTHS milk apricot scrub R60. 00
- Yardley oatmeal Scrub R65. 00

The reasons and benefits to use a face scrub are

- It is a great exfoliation technique
- It's also another great money saver
- It promotes healthy sin growth

- It makes your skin silky and smooth to the touch
- It diminishes fine lines caused by ageing
- It can prevent breakouts
- it helps correct skin tone

Ladies. This week is week where we not just rave about brands but tackle our skin head on and also prevent all the problems that could arise by being ahead of the problem.
Another awesome thing is this takes no time at all. It takes you 20 minutes to do both or 10 minutes each for them separately.
You are in charge of how you want your skin to react yes we don't have control over everything but prevention is better than cure and if you've got an important day coming up. What does it hurt to try and awesome trick that can possibly save your skin in time of need.


All My Love 

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