
Face Week with Takkies&Tulips : Face wash, Toners and Moisturisers

by - January 08, 2019

Blogging and Beauty on a Budget.

Good Day all my Beautiful Readers

Here we go right back at it with Instalment number two of FACE WEEK. I’ve gotten a few weird why do you call it face week and not skin week’ the reason is cause the focus on this week is our faces, and therefore does not refer to our other skin. Trust me that part we will cover in a different Series, please be patient with me. I have got this all planned out.

So yesterday we Covered Masks and Scrubs, today we Cover FACE WASH, FACE TONER & Moisturiser. Many women think that just using either or is fine, and yes to some degree it really is. But with ladies who either wear makeup often or touch their faces a lot, we tend to actually spread germs around our faces without even realising we are. So, in this part of the series, we touch on facial cleaning and care. 😊


First, how to pick a face wash, its pretty simple. As I made a NOTE yesterday, please ladies if you’ve got any severe skin conditions and you can’t just use regular or drugstore products please consult your doctor or dermatologist before putting any products on your skin that you are unaware of. It can be harmful for your skin and it would be more difficult to correct that damage than just dealing with your everyday skin care problems. Please take care of you first. THANK YOU 😊

Picking out the right Face was, you need to determine what you want first, do you want to minimise pores, even out skin tone, reduce redness the list is endless. You need to know what you want, like me, I like using face washes that will even out my skin tone, because I discolour easily, and also remove blackheads because my pores suck up all the dirt.

Then you need to choose a brand, I suggest you change your brands at the most 3 times a year, yes, its normal for your skin to get used to a bunch of the same products which will allow you to change them but not entirely stop using them, skin can be very resilient if you are kind to it.

Establish a budget, please understand your products if used well should last a good 3-4 months even 5. So, look at it as an investment instead of something you would have to keep repurchasing every month.

Now that you’ve got all those three things figured out here is the fun part. I am going to give you a few reasons and benefits behind using face wash and some options, definitely some favourites.

Reasons to use face wash
  •         As I mentioned earlier touching your face just spreads a lot of germs through out your face
  •         When we sleep our skin then gets time to revitalise itself when you wash it you have a better chance of your skin looking and feeling fresh 
  •       Also removes oil build up 
Benefits of Washing your face
  •          Lightens dark spots
  •         Reduces acne scars or any facial scars you may have
  •         Soothes sunburn
  •         Tightens skin
  •         Reduces fine lines
  •         Promotes good circulation
Some face wash options and favourites 😊
  • Yardley Oatmeal Range (spot preventing) R69- R80.00 each
  • Garnier even and matte R60-R79.00 each
  • Isabella Garcia from R120-R300.00 each
  • Natures Nourishment by Dischem from R50.00 – R70.00 each

My Favourite Face wash right now is the Yardley Oatmeal range its affordable and it has the best results besides my Isabella Garcia range which I use when my skin is in big trouble. Its got a few other ranges from oil control, even skin and dry skin prevention all available at Dischem or Online

This product actually gets lost on a few people, they sometimes think it’s a silly step, but it’s the step that has the most benefits I wont even lie.
Toner is very helpful for people who have acne, scaring or even oily skin. Because it’s the most chemically formulated step in your skin care routine, it van either strip your skin of non-essential oils and germs and can even moisturise.

Reasons to use a Toner

-          It minimises pores well shrinks actually
  •          It Restores your skins PH balance soap can cause a build up of oil and the toner will then restore that problem and help your skin fight off the oil cells and keep your skin at its natural level.
  •          It can refresh skin
  •          Works as a moisturiser if you need it to

      Benefits of using toner 
  •         It Can prevent ingrown hairs
  •         It adds a layer of protection so over time your skin can start fighting off bacteria and germ easily
  •      If you don’t have time to wash you skin you can use it to refresh your skin and it will revitalize it

Some tried and trusted toners
  •          The Isabella Garcia Witch Hazel Toner (please note if you’ve got dry skin this will peel your skin off its very strong, mix it with rose water if you really would like to try it out and use it as a mist rather) Retails for R120-200
  •          Garnier Even and Matte Toner (this has a shampoo like texture so I didn’t actually like it, it made me feel like I was putting glue on my face) Its R69.00
  •         Apple Cider Vinegar (it has amazing properties and works with any skin type, it does smell bad though so if you would like to dilute it with about ¼ of water and use as a toner or even rose water) R40-R100.00
Sadly, I have not tried the Yardley toner range because my skin took well to the Isabella Toner and my best friend gave me and extra bottle when she ordered her pack because she has combination skin, which is sensitive and dry as well.


Okay so with moisturising comes the trick.
Do not use thick body creams unless you want your face to become oily over time, they contain ingredients that work well for the rest of your body but your face is more delicate. Go rather for hydrating moisturisers that contain good product or vitamins like Tea Tree with is great for preventing infections and bacteria for sticking onto your skin and vitamin E to keep your skin awake and looking Rosey.

I have been on a good hunt for this and YUP I have found a few but also learned so much along the way.
Although moisturisers don’t necessarily combat skin issues, they do however keep your skin glowy and full of life.

When using moisturisers, they are for hydration either thought out the day or night and your skin will keep its shine instead of looking dull and grey. It should feel like your putting water on your face yet the cool sensation lasts for a while through out the day, it will help to combat dry and flaky skin.
Remember even using a gel formula moisturiser is so much better than actual creams. So be careful.

  • My favourite light weight moisturiser is the Yardley Oatmeal Spot preventing moisturizer, its light, goes into my skin really nicely and has the best texture and smell.
  • Another brand I have tried is the Natures Nourishment Vitamin E face cream, its way to thick but the vitamin E content was beautiful. When mixed with my Yardley it was a match made in heaven, both retail from R50-R79.00 at you guessed it Dischem Pharmacy.
This combination is my current skincare routine that's been working for me and I don't Regret it one bit. 

So, Ladies when going through the aisles feeling either overwhelmed or unsure, please be kind to yourself. It will be okay; your skin will replenish and you will get the results if you yourself put in the work and don’t mind falling on your butt a few times.

And there we go ladies Day Two of Face Week Smashed, let me know how I have been doing so far. 

All My Love 

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