
Weddings, family and fun.

by - October 06, 2017

Blogging and Beauty on a Budget.


Afternoon my Lovlies!
How are you all doing?

So two weeks ago my cousin got married, and we were blessed enough to be apart of the big very special day, it was so beautiful.

So in order of importance... for us ladies, what do we do first when we get an invitation? ME I looked for an outfit. I mean you got to dress for the occasion, weather, your body type and over all stye profile you chose for the day, So I chose floral, with everything!! 

But finding the clothes, makeup, shoes and accessories that went with want I initially wanted was a struggle, first of all if you ask anyone who knows me for years they will say "Keesha you have gained so much weight", ladies I was a size 4, and I am now a 12. So you can imagine how shopping is for me now that I cant just put anything on and look great, I have to consider how it will look on my new shape, don't get me wrong my weight has caused a lot of insecurity especially when people mention it like its the most drastic change in the world and say "you should have stayed skinny" but the only reason I was skinny for such a long time was because I refused to gain weight in the fear of being bullied or shamed but I was very unhappy. And now with my size 12 I'm happy, content and tired of hearing what other people have to say and I chose myself over their comments every time because I matter more. 

Whooo, went quite a bit off track but I needed to give some back story into that part because its what affected my decisions in a good way, so I was looking for a piece that was floral, loose and airy because it was a spring wedding but also something dark and really bold, I searched for hours online and in stored but eventually I found the most stunning, unique flair leg jumpsuit at RAGE SA for R179.90. They had the last one in my size I swear I almost started to cry tears of joy. So to that I'm not a girl who fancies high heels but I decided to start buying ones I would love to wear and I started my search for block heels, my oh my did i have the hardest time!!!! 

I looked everywhere within my budget because I didn't have much to spend, I have a lot of other responsibilities and i am trying to save as much as possible in order to build myself up and teach my mind how to be good with money and smart about purchases. So on the day of the wedding my mom and older sister tell me they saw a beautiful block heel at pick n pay but it happened been packed out yet and they didn't know how much it was, so I went with my budget in my mind, and faith in my heart and found the most stunning shoe for R199.00. 

So my outfit was now sorted and I just needed to complete my look and pull it together with my hair, accessories and makeup! And that's exactly what I did, I had a nude makeup look with a tad bit of a dark brown smokey eye and sleek straight hair with a middle path. I also wore small gold dainty jewelry and left it at that. I had a loud pattern, and big jewlery just would have thrown it all off. 

I have inserted a few crazy, funny, silly and stunning pictures from our wonderful experience and i again would like to congratulate Mr and Mrs Devan Isaacs. It was an amazing event to be apart of, I pray God blesses you with many more beautiful years to come. 

Items Shown:
Flair Leg Jumpsuit- RAGE SA
Flower blog heels- Picknpay clothing.

And to all my Ladies who would like any advice, or tips or even would like to share some, please do contact me! 

Love from: Takkiesandtulips :)  

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