Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. Takkies&Tulips- BLOGGER WISH LIST Good Day all my Tulip Readers ⚘ So today I am going to do something a bit unusual. I am making a wish list, so usually when I decide on blog posts I brainstorm, I make charts and I go to town on...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. PREP, SET AND SLAY Good Day all My Beautiful READERS ITS DAY FIVE!!!!!!! I feel like I reached a milestone I kid you not! Today LADIES we are doing all the things, and by all the things I mean we are going to get our faces in...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. KAREN KINGSBURY - THE AUTHOR THAT INSPIRED MY WRITING CAREER Good Evening all my Beautiful readers. AND HAPPY WOMANS DAY So in honour of this woman's day I am going to tell you about a writer who really shaped me in ways she might never understand and...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. GOOD DAY ALL MY BEAUTIFUL READERS So as some of you may have seen I attended a wedding of one of my very close friends just at the beginning of May the beginning of the cold season and the first thing I thought was OH SHOOT I...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. TOP 10 FAVOURITE SERIES Good day my Tulip Readers HAHA did you’ll see I am trying this new thing of “Tulip Readers” let me know if it fits or if you have a suggestion Please do comment down below. And we will do a poll for the...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. Eyeshadow Palette Edition Good Day my Tulip Readers HA! YA girl is coming with all the fire, this is just a warning because this week is about to be LIT!!!!!!💃💃💃 SO I have been on a journey to having eye makeup that makes my whole look and...