Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. LOVE CAME DOWN ✝ Good Day my Beautiful Readers. So going through this week before the Remembrance if the Crucifixion of Jesus its been a week were Many lessons were taught. Before I go any deeper, THIS is MY view and Real Reason I Celebrate Easter. Yes...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. LIPPIE INS AND OUTS 💄 GOOD DAY ALL MY WONDERFUL READERS 🙋 Okay okay, let me catch my breath cause this blog post got me all kinds of excited. Just as a PSA I have changed the posting date this week because I have made two posts...
Blogging and Beauty on a Budget. 6 EVERYDAY STRESS RELIEF TIPS 🍃 GOOD DAY TO ALL MY BEAUTIFUL READERS ✿ So its only MARCH and YUP we got stress for DAYS!! I'm no stranger to stress and over the past 3 years I created ways in which i deal now much better with...